Contact details

If you have any projects you would like to discuss with me please get in touch:

Tel: +44 (0)7435 563305


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Example projects/achievements

Consultancy/freelance (since June 2014)

Packaging: working in partnership with a Design studio to offer a full range of project management, editorial and design services including planning, scheduling, briefing/hiring and paying freelancers, reporting to the client as required and, most importantly, delivering the final products on schedule. We have worked on a number of multi-component projects for primary, secondary and young adult markets.


Project management of print and digital projects: planning, scheduling, briefing, working with in-house staff and other freelancers to deliver projects as per requirements. Scheduling of an entire new complex multi-component course on behalf of the in-house team.


Editorial: general copy editing and proofreading of Teachers Books, Student Books, Activity Books and other ancillary components, checking digital releases, preparing templates for online materials, preparing audioscripts/answerkeys/photo logs, planning/coordinating split editions of a mid-level primary course, cross-component checks.


Recruitment/training: reviewing applications, setting and assessing interview tasks, interviewing then delivering one-to-one training sessions for senior in-house publishing/operational roles. Carrying out research into new sources for applicants for specific roles.


Job descriptions: developing job descriptions for a number of new roles (UK and overseas); reviewing and updating existing job descriptions (including a full analysis of capability criteria to be applied) for a large in-house publishing team.


Report preparation/writing: carrying out extensive research and discussions with in-house staff in order to prepare reports as commissioned with feedback and recommendations for consideration in relation to internal changes.


Systems/database work: liaising with various internal project team members to streamline and update title, pack and cost information within internal company system.


In-house (2003-2014)

Publishing projects: Supporting the publishing teams in setting up and planning projects, resolving project management issues and ensuring consistency and quality control. Commissioning and working with a variety of external freelancers/suppliers and working closely with a number of internal departments within the company in order to ensure effective working practices and project delivery was on schedule and within budget.


RedNova Learning: Key involvement in the set-up of a new subsidiary company in the US. As Publishing Operations Director my role involved setting up key operational aspects of the company for areas such as Editorial, Design, Production, Legal and Finance. I was also very closely involved with the development of the company structure, preparing job descriptions for all roles and coordinating the recruitment process – all from a distance in the UK!


Macmillan Mexico: I was heavily involved in a project which transferred ownership of a publishing list from the UK to the Mexico operation. This involved extensive negotiation and collaboration with colleagues in Editorial, Design, Finance, Production, IT/Systems and Legal to implement systems and procedures, integrating and enabling the UK-based team to function effectively as a remote unit of the Mexican company. Once up and running I worked hard to maintain an efficient operational set-up which involved ongoing review, analysis and improvement of day-to-day operations and communication.

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